“It is truly disheartening to witness Sylvester Turner running in an election against candidates who have been his dedicated campaign volunteers and supporters since childhood, and...
“In the criminal court of public opinion, every Nigerian is a suspect.“ —Anthony Ogbo Nigeria is currently in a state of tension as a highly anticipated...
“It is worth considering whether Trump’s assassin would have been treated differently if he were Black.“ —Anthony Ogbo On Saturday, July 13, a gunman, 20-year-old Thomas...
The internal squabbles and power tussle in PDP because of Nigeria’s 2027 presidential election and who controls once the biggest political party in the history of...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s current leadership crisis can be likened to the principles of General George S. Patton Jr., who famously said that one can...
“Political affiliation without genuine consideration of interests and benefits can result in a meaningless display of ignorance and recklessness“ —Anthony Ogbo ________________________ Oil and water are...
“Initially brought in to facilitate a solution, Miles is now seen as the problem“ —Anthony Ogbo ________________________ Since assuming the role of Superintendent of the Houston...