A presidential campaign defined by personal hatreds , threats of political violence and two foiled assassination attempts ended on Tuesday in a mostly orderly election. No matter what the results...
In today’s digital age, where technology is deeply embedded in our daily lives, online safety and privacy have emerged as crucial concerns that individuals must address...
The inauguration of a professional peace advocating group called “Peace Advocates and Practitioners Organization Nigeria European Headquarters Austria (PAPONEHA) was held on 19.10.2024, with UN representatives,...
Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo has sparked controversy within her Democratic Party circle by publicly endorsing the contentious $4.4 billion Houston ISD bond less than two...
The ongoing feud between Houston Mayor John Whitmire and the city’s chief financial officer, Controller Chris Hollins, is escalating into a distracting political spectacle. During a...
“Sore loser vengefully continues to navigate the murky waters of Harris County politics“ —Anthony Ogbo In politics, wonders never cease. Just when you think you have...
“The last time the Devil visited America was in 2020 in the form of COVID. He wrecked all activities and took away millions of lives. Almost...