In the face of soaring production costs and the challenges brought on by the pandemic, print media outlets across the nation are grappling with severe financial difficulties. Despite these obstacles, Texas International Guardian, Inc. remains steadfast in its commitment to addressing societal inequalities, championing private enterprise, advocating for responsible governance, and promoting social justice.
In today’s technology-driven world, investigative journalism comes at a high price. It requires a significant amount of resources and expertise, especially since we do not rely on billionaires or shareholders for funding. Instead, we offer a valuable alternative to the profit-driven model of corporate media. Our focus is on social objectives rather than private gain, empowering individuals rather than treating them as passive consumers, and preserving local knowledge rather than imposing standardized solutions.
As such, we are reaching out to you and your organization for support in replenishing our production funds. Financial contributions from our readers, community partners, and local residents are essential in sustaining our resource-intensive work and ensuring that our journalism remains accessible to all. We invite you to consider making a contribution to Texas International Guardian today.
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