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Deshaun Watson Sexual Misconduct Allegations: What We Know so Far



Culled from Complex News Letter

This week, seven women filed lawsuits against Houston Texans quarterback Deshaun Watson alleging sexual misconduct—including one woman who said the NFL star forced her to perform oral sex on him. The civil lawsuits, filed in Harris County, Texas District Court, describe a similar pattern. These women, who perform professional massage services for work, were contacted by Watson. They scheduled massage sessions. When these women showed up to the sessions, Watson ultimately engaged in inappropriate sexual behavior, court papers allege. The women described feeling scared; some described worrying about his physical size, while others expressed fear because of his prominence.

These lawsuits have also called out the NFL, saying it’s “notorious in its own right for a culture that fosters sexual harassment and sexual assault. Despite its lip service and a strong ad campaign to the contrary, many of its players have been accused of committing heinous sexual crimes against women. The NFL is no stranger to scandal, certainly when it comes to offenses against women.”

Watson has denied mistreating women. Here’s what we know about the allegations so far.

The alleged March 30, 2020 incident

In a March 16 lawsuit, this woman said that Watson contacted her in late March 2020, asking to schedule a massage. Like other women who have filed suits against Watson, she “found it somewhat peculiar that a NFL player would request a massage from her, because she is not yet a well-known masseuse and it was her belief that a player like Watson likely had access to an entire team of trainers and the like,” according to the lawsuit. But she was trying to grow her business, and so she agreed.

Before their scheduled March 30 session at her house, he asked if “she was going to be alone,” court papers state. When Watson arrived, she left him in the room. After she went back in, he was on the massage table, “completely naked with only a small towel covering his groin area.” He had brought this towel. He “aggressively” told her how to perform the massage, instructing her “only to use her hands,” and “repeatedly stated that he wanted her focus to be on his groin area.” Less than a half hour later, she felt very uncomfortable, as “it became apparent that Watson wanted a massage for only one reason—sex,” court papers state.

Watson “continued to aggressively attempt to steer the conversation to how [she] was not rubbing him the way he wanted. Several times he specifically kept trying to direct her to his penis. At one point, he purposely exposed the tip of his penis from under the towel. Watson was at this point fully erect, and moved his body so he could expose himself more. As a result of his moving of his hips, Watson purposely touched the Plaintiff’s hand with the tip of his erect penis,” court papers state.

She stopped the massage and asked him to leave. He responded: “I know you have a career and a reputation, and I know you would hate for someone to mess with yours, just like I don’t want anyone messing with mine.” She took Watson’s statement as a threat. He later texted her to apologize. Although she didn’t respond, she received direct messages on Instagram from two other pro football players several weeks later, who told her that “Big D” had referred them to her, the lawsuit states.

The alleged June 2, 2020 incident

In this March 18 lawsuit, a woman stated that she and Watson spoke on the phone after he contacted her, asking about a massage. He allegedly told her: “I make a lot of massage therapists uncomfortable and it’s really hard for me to find someone who will meet my needs.” Watson said he wanted massage work specifically targeting his glutes. The woman, who “routinely” provides massages to high-profile athletes, including NFL players, assumed it would be a professional session.

Before their June 2 session started, Watson asked to shower. She left the room and when she came back, he was “completely naked, exposing his buttocks.” He repeatedly refused her requests to cover up and would “purposely move to knock the towel off.”

During the session, Watson “exposed his penis to Plaintiff several times. Watson laughingly told Plaintiff she could move his penis out of the way.” He wound up getting an erection. “Multiple times he moved his body in such a way to make his penis touch Plaintiff,” court papers maintain.

The alleged August 28, 2020 incident

According to a lawsuit filed on March 17, Watson reached out to this woman, a single mom in Atlanta, in August 2020 about a massage. Watson allegedly flew this woman to Houston from Atlanta for an Aug. 28 massage session. Prior to the session, he told her “he wanted to specifically focus on his glutes and his groin area and asked if she was comfortable with working on those areas. He then asked about quads and the Achilles.” The woman “indicated she understood Watson’s requests.”

After arriving at the Houstonian Hotel, Club, and Spa, where Watson had a suite, he “immediately got completely nude on the massage table with his penis completely exposed. Plaintiff firmly told Watson that he needed to use a towel to cover himself as that was the appropriate way of conducting a professional massage. Watson refused,” per the lawsuit.

“Watson told her he ‘gets hot easily’ and for that reason he wanted to remain completely nude.” While she thought something was “off,” she wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. But shortly thereafter, “Watson kept aggressively redirecting Plaintiff towards his anus. Watson asked Plaintiff to use more and more oil on his anus.” She was uncomfortable. “Watson then got more specific and asked Plaintiff to work on the inner part of his anus,” the civil suit says.

The woman ignored him and started to work on his inner thighs, but he got “more aggressive, now telling Plaintiff to go higher and higher, towards his penis.” She said no, but “Watson kept insisting, saying ‘come up more and go here towards his genitals.’”

“It was at this point that Watson moved in her direction, causing Plaintiff’s hand to touch Watson’s genitals.” He flipped onto his back, completely exposing his penis. She told him that he needed to cover himself. He refused to, and she stopped the session, saying she had to go. “Watson grabbed her hand and started to rub her arm, pulling her towards him, saying ‘it is okay, it is okay.’” The woman pulled away from Watson, reiterating that she needed to leave. Watson got into the shower and she left, the suit states. ​​​​​​​

The alleged September 9, 2020 incident

In a March 18 lawsuit, one woman, who’s a licensed esthetician, said she had “several” interactions with Watson. The first was in September 2020 and the second in October 2020. The her boss said that Watson had reached out, asking for the woman’s photograph. Watson told her boss that he wanted to give her a massage. The woman thought this was “odd” and said no.

The boss said that Watson asked for her phone number so he could directly schedule an appointment. They wound up scheduling an appointment; before he got there, Watson texted her “incessantly,” asking if anyone else was at the spa. He asked to use the spa’s back entrance.

After he got there, the woman told him she was going to leave the massage room so he could disrobe. He said he did not want her to leave and insisted she stay. Although “bewildered by his contact,” the woman turned around so she wouldn’t see him naked, court papers allege.

Watson, who started complaining right away and “aggressively dictated the session,” asked if he could turn from his stomach onto his back. “When he flipped over, Watson had an erection and asked Plaintiff what she was going to do about his erection.” She told Watson that his behavior wasn’t appropriate, but that she was “scared and confused.” The session wound up ending “without further incident.”

During their October 2020 appointment, however, Watson “escalated his behavior.”

“During the session, Watson tried to put his penis in Plaintiff’s hand and asked Plaintiff if she would touch his penis,” court papers state. He “moved his body in a way that caused Watson’s penis to touch Plaintiff’s hand.” He also tried to kiss her on the mouth. She ended the session early and left.

The alleged September 24, 2020 incident

A lawsuit filed on March 18 alleges that Watson contacted this woman in September. They scheduled a session that would take place at a room in a Houston salon on the 24th. She left the room before the session started so he could undress; when she got back, only his backside was covered with a small towel.

“Watson began to aggressively dictate how he wanted the session to go, and wanted Plaintiff to instead concentrate on his groin area,” the suit states. Watson then got on his back, and the towel “was now only covering his penis.”

“Watson stated several times that he wanted to remove the towel so he could be completely naked. Watson asked Plaintiff if he could be naked, and even asked Plaintiff if it was okay if he got aroused,” the suit charges.

She told him to cover himself and tried to professionally finish the session. At one point, however, Watson “became aroused and got an erection” and “he continued to move his body in a way that would repeatedly cause his penis to touch Plaintiff’s hand.” Shocked, she moved away. Still on his back, “Watson then ejaculated.” The woman left the room, court papers state.

The alleged October 19, 2020 incident

This woman, in her March 18 lawsuit, said that she and Watson agreed to an appointment, which would take place at the woman’s office in Houston. Although Watson was initially respectful, that “changed very quickly.” After the session started, Watson began “staring” at her “in a provocative manner and told her not to raise the towel so high.” He then started to pull the towel down in an effort to expose himself.

Watson told her to work his inner thighs. The woman said she didn’t do that kind of work, but he insisted they hurt, so she agreed. He eventually turned onto his back and she continued to work on the rest of his body. She thought the situation was weird, but gave him the benefit of the doubt. Watson left. Around Nov. 2, Watson texted her about another session. When he arrived, “Watson, without any notice, kissed Plaintiff.”

She quickly left the office, went to her friend’s store next door, told the friend what had happened, and, after composing herself, went back into her office. Watson had already disrobed and “exposed himself.” She told him that wasn’t normal, but needed the business and money “as a single mom,” and continued with the session.

She declined to massage his buttocks and genital area, but he “would also move his body in a way that would cause his penis to touch Plaintiff’s hand.” She declined his offer to pay more to massage those areas. He became upset and left, court papers allege.

The alleged December 28, 2020 incident

In a lawsuit filed on March 17, the woman stated that Watson reached out to her in December and scheduled a massage session for the 28th of that month. She and her mom went to an office, as planned, and they set up the massage room. Her mom left and saw Watson enter the office building. The woman left Watson in the room so he could undress. When she came back, Watson was on the table with a tiny towel on his backside, according to court papers.

She “started getting uncomfortable but did not want to upset the much taller and stronger Watson who is 6’2 and weighs over 200 pounds,” the suit states. While she tried to keep the session professional, Watson “soon aggressively started dictating the massage and where he wanted Plaintiff to touch him on his body,” insisting on his “inner glutes” and “inner thighs.”

“Watson made clear, repeatedly, that he was a professional football player who could help or hurt her career.”

After Watson flipped onto his back, he “began to coerce” her “to massage his inner groin area.” She said she had a “special tool” she had to use, but he refused, saying he wanted this area massaged with her hands. Not long after he asked for his abs to me massaged, Watson “got more aggressive, forcefully telling her to move her hand down to his pubic area.”

“Watson instructed her to slide her hand across his genitals,” the suit says. The woman began shaking, and it was clear that she was scared. “Watson kept coercing and intimidating Plaintiff and it was at this point that Watson coerced Plaintiff to move her mouth towards his penis, forcing Plaintiff to perform oral sex on him,” the suit states. “Plaintiff did not consent to any of this conduct. Plaintiff blacked out for a few minutes from the fear,” court papers state.

Watson denies wrongdoing

In a March 16 tweet, Watson vehemently denied abusing women. “As a result of a social media post by a publicity-seeking plaintiff’s lawyer, I recently became aware of a lawsuit that has apparently been filed against me. I have not yet seen the complaint, but I know this: I have never treated any woman with anything other than the utmost respect,” he wrote in a note comprising his tweet. “The plaintiff’s lawyer claims that this isn’t about money, but before filing the suit he made a baseless six-figure settlement demand, which I quickly rejected. Unlike him, this isn’t about money for me—it’s about clearing my name, and I look forward to doing that.”

Rusty Hardin, Watson’s lawyer, told ESPN after the first two lawsuits: “I’m real comfortable with the kind of person that Deshaun Watson is, and I don’t like to publicly comment until I get all the facts… the allegations are really inconsistent with the kind of person he is.”

Hardin released a statement Friday, which said: ““I’m extremely proud to represent Deshaun Watson and wholly stand behind him against what we believe are meritless allegations. However, we will wait to comment in detail until we’ve completed our review of the numerous, evolving allegations…We will respond next week and ask you to keep an open mind until we do so.”

The NFL opens an investigation

The NFL told the Texans on Thursday that it was probing the allegations against Watson. In a statement Thursday, the Texans said they would cooperate, reported. “The NFL informed us today that they will conduct an investigation into the allegations made in the civil lawsuits filed against Deshaun Watson,” the Texans said. “We will stay in close contact with the league as they do.”

Watson has not been charged

Asked for comment on the allegations, a spokesperson for the Houston Police Department said: “We cannot confirm suspects who are not charged.” The Department doesn’t confirm investigations against any individual unless that individual is charged and or arrested, authorities also said.

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8th Annual Nigeria Cultural Parade and Festival, Nigerian Exhibit Set to Takeover Downtown Houston



Houston, Texas – July 22, 2024 – The 8th annual Nigeria Cultural Parade and Festival is set to light up Downtown Houston with unapologetic fashions, rich cultural displays, and lively masquerade performances on Saturday, October 5, 2024. This highly anticipated event celebrates Nigeria’s diverse heritage and contributions to the cultural landscape of Houston.

The festivities will commence with a parade through the streets of Downtown Houston near the Toyota Center, featuring traditional Nigerian attire, music, and dance. Attendees will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in Nigeria’s rich cultural traditions at the festival near Root Memorial Square, enjoying a variety of activities, including traditional dance performances, music, art exhibits, and West African cuisine.

This year brings an exciting addition to the celebration! The Nigerian Exhibit at Houston City Hall is proudly presented in collaboration with the Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs under the theme “Feels Like Home”, highlighting the city’s commitment to promoting cultural diversity and unity. This exhibit will be open to the public from October 21, 2024 to January 3, 2025, showcasing Nigeria’s history, art, and cultural milestones.

“We are thrilled to partner with the Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs to bring the Nigerian Exhibit to Houston City Hall,” said Jane BrownFounder of Culturally Naija. “This exhibit, alongside our annual parade and festival, offers a wonderful opportunity for Houstonians to experience and appreciate the rich cultural heritage of Nigeria.”

Event Details:
Nigeria Cultural Parade and Festival:
Date: Saturday, October 5, 2024
Time: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Location: Downtown Houston (1400 Clay Street, Houston, Texas 77002

Nigerian Exhibit at Houston City Hall/City Hall Annex:
Date: October 21, 2024 – January 3, 2025
Time: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Location: Houston City Hall, 901 Bagby St, Houston, TX 77002

The Nigeria Cultural Parade and Festival is an annual event dedicated to celebrating and preserving Nigerian culture in Houston. The event is organized under the aegis collaboration by Culturally Naija and WeLead, Inc.

For more information about the event, please visit or follow the event on social media.

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Celebrate Culture and Central Green’s 11th Birthday at the Nigerian Festival in Katy, Texas



Nigeria’s vibrant and diverse culture will be on full display at the upcoming Nigerian Festival in KatyTexason October 19, 2024. Hosted by Willow Fork Drainage District (WWFD), this exciting event promises an evening filled with music, dance, food, art, and activities that celebrate the rich heritage of Nigeria.

The festival, which will take place at Central Green located inside LaCenterra shopping center, is designed to bring together people from all backgrounds to experience the beauty and diversity of Nigerian culture. Attendees can look forward to:
Live Music and Dance Performances: Enjoy traditional and contemporary Nigerian music and dance performances that highlight the country’s artistic diversity.

Authentic Nigerian Cuisine: Taste a variety of delicious Nigerian dishes, from jollof rice and suya to puff-puff and meat pies, prepared by a local restaurant.

Cultural Exhibitions: Explore exhibitions showcasing Nigerian art, fashion, and crafts, providing insights into the country’s history and cultural heritage.

Family-Friendly Activities: Engage in a range of activities for all ages, including face painting, caricature drawings, and traditional games.

Market Place: Shop for unique Nigerian products, including clothing, jewelry, and art pieces, at the festival marketplace.

“We are thrilled to bring the Nigerian Festival to Katy, Texas,” said Yvonne ArceneauxWWFD Parks General Manager. “This event is a wonderful opportunity for the community to come together and celebrate the beautiful, rich culture and traditions of Nigeria. We invite everyone to join us for an evening of fun, food, and festivities.”

The Nigerian Festival is open to the public, and admission is free. The event will run from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm, and all are welcome to attend.

Central Green offers a variety of year-round activities and events for all to enjoy. Check out the line-up of upcoming events at Central Green on Facebook or visit For a detailed map of Central Green and its location in LaCenterra, visit

To learn more about Central Green, please contact Yvonne Arceneaux at

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Sheila Jackson-Lee, Champion for Liberal Causes Fights till End



Despite her diagnosis and ongoing treatment, Jackson-Lee fought tirelessly for her district until her final moments.

Less than two weeks after Hurricane Beryl wreaked havoc on Houston, the city faces yet another tragedy. Representative Sheila Jackson Lee, a prominent Texas Democrat known for her advocacy for racial justice and progressive causes during her three decades in the House, passed away on Friday at the age of 74.

Her death was announced in a statement from her family posted on X: “Today, with incredible grief for our loss yet deep gratitude for the life she shared with us, we announce the passing of U.S. Representative Sheila Jackson Lee of the 18th Congressional District of Texas. A fierce champion of the people, she was affectionately and simply known as “Congresswoman” by her constituents in recognition for her near-ubiquitous presence and service to their daily lives for more than 30 years.”

Her passing may not have come as a shock to many of her constituents. For instance, In June, Jackson-Lee revealed that she had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in a post on X. She expressed confidence in her doctors’ treatment plan and stated, “The road ahead will be challenging, but I have faith that God will give me strength.” Indeed, throughout her career, Lee had been a strong advocate for healthcare access and cancer research, so it was fitting that she approached her own battle with such determination.

Despite her diagnosis and ongoing treatment, Jackson-Lee fought tirelessly for her district until her final moments. Just last week, she made a passionate plea to the federal government, urging the Department of Justice to investigate CenterPoint Energy, a public utility company based in Houston, Texas for their handling of power outages during Hurricane Beryl. In a display of frustration, she took to social media, stating, “Many Houstonians have been without power for a week! Some have ended up in the emergency room due to extreme heat, and tragically, a woman has lost her life. This cannot continue! It is time for a federal investigation into CenterPoint! Accountability is essential!”

She did not stop there. She wrote a formal letter to Attorney General Merrick B. Garland and requested immediate action from the Department of Justice to investigate CenterPoint, emphasizing the need to hold the company accountable for its actions in restoring power to vulnerable residents, businesses, and government entities in Houston and Harris County.

Less than 8 hours after Jackson Lee’s passing, hundreds of condolences from government officials and members of the community have been flooding in. Former Houston Mayor and congressional colleague Sylvester Turner expressed his condolences, and highlighted Jackson-Lee’s impressive career, noting that she worked closely with and advised Presidents of the United States, engaged with global leaders, and was embraced by world-renowned artists. He also emphasized her dedication to serving underprivileged communities, securing billions of federal dollars for her district, and providing comfort to families in times of loss.

Turner further praised Jackson-Lee’s unwavering commitment to her constituents, describing her as a tireless champion for those in need. He concluded by saying, “We can truly say Sheila Jackson Lee gave her all. Rest in peace, my sister.”

Houston Mayor John Whitmire praised Jackson Lee as a devoted public servant and a fierce advocate for her constituents. Despite battling illness, she tirelessly worked for the 18th Congressional District, collaborating with Whitmire on various projects.

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo fondly remembered Jackson Lee as a friend, mentor, and relentless champion for her community. Hidalgo admired Jackson Lee’s fearlessness in using her voice to effect change not only for her constituents but for all of Harris County.

Professor Chris Ulasi, Dean of the School of Communication at Texas Southern University, and a close friend of Jackson Lee, hailed her as a true leader and a staunch ally of the university. Ulasi commended Jackson Lee’s unwavering commitment to public service and social justice, recognizing her profound impact on the community and beyond. According to Dr. Ulasi, “As a steadfast supporter of Texas Southern University and the School of Communication, Congresswoman Jackson Lee served as a guiding light for our students, faculty, and staff. Her presence on our campus, empowering TSU commencement speeches, and dedication to fostering the next generation of leaders will forever be treasured and honored.”

Texas Governor Greg Abbott praised her as a proud Texan and a relentless champion for the people of Houston, stating, “Her commitment to public service and dedication to Texas will be remembered for years to come.” Senator Ted Cruz also expressed his condolences, calling Jackson-Lee a friend and colleague, and highlighting her unwavering advocacy for Houston.

Jackson Lee was born in Queens, New York to a comic book artist father and nurse mother. She graduated from Jamaica High School, Yale University, and the University of Virginia School of Law. After moving to Houston with her husband, she became a municipal judge and later served on the Houston City Council from 1989 to 1994. During her time on the council, she worked on passing a safety ordinance regarding guns and promoted expanded summer hours at parks and recreation centers to address gang violence.

In addition to her assertive advocacy in politics, social justice, and equality, Houstonians will always remember Jackson Lee’s presence at virtually every community event. She possesses an intimate knowledge of her 18th Congressional District, akin to the Pope’s familiarity with the Vatican, and is well-acquainted with every community center, leader, and place of worship in the area.

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