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Securing Truth: The Intersection of Investigative Journalism and Cyber Security in Global South Nations



Investigative journalism plays a crucial role in holding power to account, uncovering corruption, and promoting transparency in society. However, in the digital age, journalists are increasingly vulnerable to cyber security hacks and threats that can compromise their investigations and endanger sources. In Global South nations, where resources and infrastructure may be limited, addressing these challenges requires an adaptive approach that combines ethical deployment of cyber security measures with the principles of investigative journalism. This essay explores the intersection of investigative journalism and cyber security in Global South nations, focusing on ethical considerations, collaborative strategies, and the use of technology to safeguard information and integrity.

Investigative journalism plays a crucial role in uncovering corruption, fraud, and wrongdoing in various institutions. However, in recent years, journalists themselves have become targets of cybersecurity hacks in an attempt to silence their reporting and steal sensitive information.
Cyber security hacks targeted at journalists can take various forms, including phishing attacks, malware infections, and social engineering tactics. These hacks can compromise journalists’ email accounts, social media profiles, and even their devices, ultimately undermining their ability to conduct investigative journalism.
One high-profile example of a cyber security hack targeting investigative journalists is the case of the hacking group Fancy Bear targeting journalists at the Associated Press and other media outlets. Fancy Bear, a Russian hacking group linked to the Kremlin, targeted journalists in an attempt to access their emails and other sensitive information.
To protect themselves against cyber security hacks, investigative journalists must practice good digital hygiene, such as using strong and unique passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and being cautious of suspicious emails and messages. Additionally, journalists can use encrypted communication tools and secure file-sharing services to protect their sensitive information.
Overall, the targeting of investigative journalists through cyber security hacks poses a serious threat to press freedom and the ability to hold powerful institutions accountable. Journalists must remain vigilant and take proactive measures to protect themselves and their important work.
In today’s digital age, journalists face unique challenges in safeguarding their data and ensuring the integrity of their reporting. The increasing prevalence of cyber security hacks poses a threat to investigative journalism, undermining efforts to uncover the truth and hold power to account. While the Global South Nations grapple with these issues, there is a growing recognition of the need to adopt ethical deployment of cyber security measures to protect journalistic integrity. By examining the key issues, thought processes, and solutions at the intersection of investigative journalism and cyber security, journalists can harness synergies to avoid hacks and maintain their commitment to truth-telling.
Maintaining cyber security and integrity as a journalist involves a multi-faceted approach that combines awareness of potential risks, technical solutions, and ethical considerations. Here are some synergies for journalists to avoid cybersecurity hacks and maintain integrity:
1. *Awareness of Risks*: Journalists must be aware of the various cyber security threats they may face, such as phishing attacks, malware infections, and social engineering tactics. They should stay informed about the latest trends in cybersecurity and consistently update their knowledge about potential risks.
2. *Secure Communication*: Journalists should use encrypted communication tools to securely communicate with sources, colleagues, and editors. Encrypted messaging apps like Signal and secure email services like ProtonMail can help protect sensitive information from being intercepted.
3. *Secure Data Storage*: Journalists should store their data securely, using encrypted storage solutions such as VeraCrypt or secure cloud storage services. Regularly backing up data and keeping it encrypted will help protect it from hackers or unauthorized access.
4. *Password Management*: Using strong, unique passwords for different accounts is essential to prevent unauthorized access. Password management tools like LastPass or Dashlane can help journalists generate and securely store complex passwords for various accounts.
5. *Two-Factor Authentication*: Enabling two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to accounts, requiring a second verification step beyond just entering a password. This can prevent unauthorized access even if a password is compromised.
6. *Social Engineering Awareness*: Journalists should be cautious of social engineering tactics, where hackers manipulate individuals into divulging sensitive information. Being vigilant and verifying the authenticity of requests for sensitive information can help prevent falling victim to social engineering attacks.
7. *Ethical Considerations*: Maintaining integrity as a journalist also involves ethical considerations when handling sensitive information. Journalists should follow ethical guidelines and seek consent from sources before disclosing any information. Safeguarding the identity of whistleblowers and protecting sensitive data are crucial aspects of maintaining integrity in journalism.
8. *Regular Training*: Continuous training on cyber security best practices can help journalists stay updated on the latest threats and prevention strategies. Media organizations should invest in providing cybersecurity training to their journalists to ensure they are equipped to handle potential risks effectively.
Essentially, maintaining cybersecurity and integrity as a journalist requires a combination of awareness, technical solutions, ethical considerations, and ongoing training. By implementing these synergies and staying vigilant, journalists can protect themselves from cybersecurity hacks and uphold the integrity of their work.
In the ever-evolving landscape of digital threats and information warfare, the symbiotic relationship between effective cybersecurity protocols and principled investigative journalism has become increasingly evident. As we witness a surge in cyber attacks targeting media outlets and journalists worldwide, the need for ethical solutions to safeguard data and preserve journalistic integrity has never been more pressing. By exploring successful examples of how cyber security measures have bolstered investigative journalism practices, we can discern the crucial role that ethical deployment plays in ensuring the persistence and triumph of truth-seeking endeavours.
One notable example of successful cyber security ethical solutions combined with investigative journalism prevailing is the case of the Panama Papers, which was a massive leak of 11.5 million documents from the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca in 2016. The leak was obtained and shared with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) by an anonymous whistleblower.
The journalists involved in the Panama Papers investigation, from news outlets across the globe, meticulously analyzed the leaked documents to uncover widespread tax evasion and money laundering schemes involving high-profile individuals, corporations, and even heads of state. The investigation shed light on the secretive world of offshore finance and exposed how the global elite used offshore accounts to evade taxes and conceal illicit activities.
In this case, the successful ethical solution was the collaboration between journalists and the ICIJ to verify the authenticity of the leaked documents and ensure accuracy in reporting. The journalists involved adhered to ethical guidelines by cross-referencing information, protecting the identities of sources, and verifying the legality of their investigative methods.
The Panama Papers investigation exemplified how a combination of cyber security ethical solutions, such as safeguarding whistleblower anonymity and secure communication channels, with rigorous investigative journalism practices can lead to groundbreaking revelations and hold the powerful to account.
This case underscores the importance of ethical considerations in handling sensitive information, the value of collaboration in investigative journalism, and the significance of protecting sources and data integrity in the digital age. It serves as a prime example of how cyber security measures can be integrated with investigative journalism to expose corruption, promote transparency, and drive positive societal change.
In the burgeoning realm of digital information dissemination and the continued prevalence of cyber threats, the dynamic interplay between adaptive investigative journalism practices and ethical cyber security deployment is particularly crucial in the context of Global South nations. As these regions contend with unique socio-political challenges and technological limitations, the need for a nuanced approach that recognizes the intersection of journalistic integrity and digital protection grows ever more pronounced. By examining how investigative journalism can adapt to these contexts while upholding ethical cyber security standards, a framework emerges for achieving a harmonious balance between information dissemination and safeguarding against external intrusions in the Global South.
In the Global South nations, where there may be limited resources and infrastructure for both investigative journalism and cyber security, a more adaptive and collaborative approach is needed to address challenges and promote ethical practices in both fields. Here are some key considerations for an adaptive view of investigative journalism and cyber security ethical deployment in Global South nations:
1. Capacity building and training: Investing in training and capacity building programs for journalists and cyber security professionals in Global South nations is crucial. Providing education on ethical practices, digital security, and investigative techniques can empower individuals to conduct thorough and ethical investigations while safeguarding their digital communications and data.
2. Collaboration and partnerships: Encouraging collaboration between journalists, civil society organizations, academia, and government agencies can foster a more holistic approach to addressing issues related to corruption, human rights abuses, and cybersecurity threats. By working together, stakeholders can leverage their respective expertise to amplify impact and ensure the dissemination of accurate and reliable information.
3. Use of technology: Embracing technology tools and platforms can enhance the capabilities of investigative journalists and cyber security professionals in Global South nations. Implementing secure communication channels, encryption tools, and digital verification methods can help protect sources, data, and investigative findings from external threats.
4. Advocacy for press freedom and privacy rights: Promoting press freedom and advocating for privacy rights are essential components of ensuring the ethical deployment of investigative journalism and cyber security measures in Global South nations. Protecting journalists’ rights to freedom of expression and access to information is crucial for holding power to account and promoting transparency.
5. Ethical considerations: Upholding ethical standards, such as accuracy, transparency, and accountability, is paramount in investigative journalism and cyber security initiatives in Global South nations. Adhering to ethical guidelines and principles can help build trust with sources, stakeholders, and the public while maintaining integrity in reporting and data protection practices.
Overall, taking an adaptive view of investigative journalism and cyber security ethical deployment in Global South nations requires a multi-faceted approach that prioritizes capacity building, collaboration, technology use, advocacy, and ethical considerations. By working together and embracing innovative strategies, stakeholders can effectively address challenges, promote accountability, and uphold human rights in the digital age.
In conclusion, in a rapidly evolving digital landscape, the ethical deployment of cyber security measures and investigative journalism practices is essential to ensure the integrity and impact of reporting in Global South nations. By building capacity, fostering collaboration, embracing technology, advocating for press freedom, and upholding ethical standards, journalists and cyber security professionals can work together to strengthen investigative efforts, protect sensitive information, and promote transparency. As we navigate the challenges of the digital age, stakeholders in Global South nations must continue to adapt, innovate, and uphold the principles of accountability, integrity, and respect for human rights in their pursuit of truth and justice. Through a collective commitment to ethical journalism and cyber security practices, we can create a safer and more transparent environment for investigative reporting to thrive and make a lasting impact on society.

♦ Professor Ojo Emmanuel Ademola is a Nigerian Professor of Cyber Security and Information Technology Management, and holds a Chartered Manager Status, and by extension, Chartered Fellow (CMgr FCMI) by the highly Reputable Royal Chartered Management Institute.

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Advocating for Reviving the 1960s Constitution Toward Creating a United Region of Nigeria



As Nigeria stands at a critical juncture in its national development, the administration under President Bola Tinubu has already made strides in addressing the country’s challenges and opportunities. Amidst calls for constitutional restructuring and regional autonomy, the proposal to revive the 1960s Constitution and form the United Region of Nigeria has emerged as a potential strategy for nation-building. This ambitious vision aims to foster greater unity, cooperation, and development among Nigeria’s diverse regions, drawing inspiration from the country’s historical foundations. In this context, the Tinubu administration can play a pivotal role in bringing this strategy to fruition and shaping a more inclusive and prosperous future for the nation.

Reviving the 1960s Constitution in developing Nigeria for the present and future is a bold and forward-thinking move. The Constitution of the 1960s was a document that sought to promote unity and diversity within the country and to ensure that the rights and freedoms of all Nigerians were protected. By reviving this Constitution, we can build on the foundation of unity and inclusivity that it provided, and adapt it to meet the challenges and opportunities of the modern world.
One of the key proposals for reviving the 1960s Constitution is the national forming of the country into the United Region of Nigeria. This proposal would involve reorganizing the country into a more cohesive and integrated entity, where different regions or states would have more autonomy and decision-making power, while still remaining united under a common framework. This would help to address some of the deep-rooted issues of marginalization, inequality, and ethnic tensions that have plagued the country for decades.
By forming the United Region of Nigeria, we can create a more equitable and inclusive society, where the different regions and ethnic groups feel a sense of ownership and participation in the development of the country. This could help to bridge the divide between the different regions and promote a sense of national unity and cohesion.
Furthermore, reviving the 1960s Constitution and forming the United Region of Nigeria could have a significant impact on the delivery of holistic dividends of democracy to all Nigerians. By decentralizing power and decision-making, we can ensure that the voices and needs of all Nigerians are heard and respected. This could lead to better governance, improved service delivery, and greater accountability from leaders at all levels.
Essentially, reviving the 1960s Constitution and forming the United Region of Nigeria is a proactive step towards building a better and more inclusive society for all Nigerians. By embracing the principles of unity, diversity, and decentralization, we can create a more cohesive and progressive nation that works for the benefit of all its citizens.
Intriguingly, advocating for the revival of the 1960s Constitution, the creation of a United Region of Nigeria, and the implementation of advanced nation-building strategies present a significant opportunity for economic well-being and value creation for all Nigerians. By revisiting the foundational principles of the 1960s Constitution, we can harness the strengths of our diverse regions and promote unity and cooperation. This approach can foster economic growth, attract investment, and create job opportunities for citizens across the country. Additionally, by embracing advanced nation-building strategies, we can build a more resilient and inclusive society that values innovation, education, and sustainable development, ultimately leading to improved living standards and prosperity for all Nigerians.
The economic well-being of reviving the 1960s Constitution and forming the United Region of Nigeria could be significant. By decentralizing power and decision-making, this proposal could create opportunities for economic growth and development at the regional level, which in turn could benefit the entire nation.
One of the key ways in which this proposal could enhance economic well-being is by promoting regional competitiveness and resource utilization. Each region in Nigeria has unique strengths and resources that could be harnessed for economic development. By giving regions more autonomy and control over their resources, they can leverage these assets to attract investment, create jobs, and stimulate growth.
Furthermore, the formation of the United Region of Nigeria could lead to greater inter-regional trade and cooperation. By breaking down barriers between regions and fostering collaboration, we can create a more dynamic and interconnected economy that benefits all Nigerians. This could lead to increased productivity, efficiency, and innovation, driving economic growth and prosperity.
Additionally, decentralization of power could lead to better governance and more responsive policymaking, which are essential for creating a conducive environment for businesses to thrive. With improved governance and accountability, we can create a level playing field for all businesses, encourage entrepreneurship, and attract investment both locally and internationally.
In terms of value-creation opportunities for all Nigerians, the formation of the United Region of Nigeria could lead to greater inclusivity and participation in decision-making processes. By giving regions more autonomy and control over their affairs, we can ensure that the needs and aspirations of all Nigerians are taken into account in the policymaking process. This could lead to the creation of policies and programs that reflect the diversity and priorities of the population, promoting social cohesion and inclusive growth.
Overall, reviving the 1960s Constitution and forming the United Region of Nigeria has the potential to drive economic growth, enhance regional competitiveness, and create opportunities for all Nigerians to participate in and benefit from the development of the country. It is a bold and forward-thinking proposal that could pave the way for a more inclusive, prosperous, and united Nigeria.
Examining global examples of nations that have adopted similar national strategies can offer valuable insights into the potential economic well-being and value-creation opportunities for Nigeria. Countries like Germany and South Korea have successfully implemented nation-building strategies that prioritize innovation, education, and sustainable development. Germany’s emphasis on advanced manufacturing and technology sectors has propelled its economy to become one of the strongest in Europe. Similarly, South Korea’s focus on education and investment in technology has led to rapid economic growth and the emergence of global industry leaders. By analyzing the available data and lessons learned from these nations, Nigeria can tailor its own national strategy to leverage its unique strengths and resources for the benefit of all citizens.
Undoubtedly, there are indeed examples of countries around the world that have decentralized power and decision-making processes, leading to economic growth and benefits for their citizens. One example is Germany, which operates under a federal system of government. Germany is divided into states (Länder), each with its own government and legislative powers. This decentralization of power has allowed for regional autonomy, innovation, and economic development.
Germany’s federal system has enabled states to tailor policies to their specific needs and priorities, leading to diverse approaches to economic development, education, healthcare, and other areas. This flexibility has contributed to Germany’s overall economic success, with different regions driving growth in various sectors based on their strengths and resources.
Another example is Switzerland, which operates under a system of direct democracy and federalism. Switzerland is divided into cantons, each with a high degree of autonomy in areas such as taxation, education, and healthcare. This decentralized system has contributed to Switzerland’s economic prosperity, innovation, and social cohesion.
These examples demonstrate that decentralization of power and decision-making processes can lead to economic growth, innovation, and benefits for all citizens. By empowering regions and local governments to make decisions that are best suited to their specific needs and resources, countries can create more inclusive and sustainable development strategies that reflect the diversity of their populations.
While there may not be direct data available to support the specific proposal of reviving the 1960s Constitution and forming the United Region of Nigeria, these examples highlight the potential benefits of decentralization and regional autonomy in driving economic growth and value creation opportunities for all citizens.
To bring about the successful implementation of a national strategy focused on economic well-being and values creation for all Nigerians, the current administration under Tinubu can take specific actions. Firstly, investing in key sectors such as technology, agriculture, and infrastructure will not only drive economic growth but also create job opportunities and improve living standards for citizens. Additionally, prioritizing education and skills development programs can ensure that the workforce is equipped to participate in a rapidly evolving global economy. Strengthening governance, promoting transparency, and fighting corruption are crucial steps to attract foreign investment, build trust with international partners, and foster a conducive business environment. Collaboration with industry stakeholders, civil society, and the public will be essential in crafting policies that address the diverse needs of the population and ensure that the benefits of economic growth are shared equitably. By strategically implementing these measures, the Tinubu administration can pave the way for sustainable development and inclusive prosperity for all Nigerians.
For an immediate present and future attainments, Bola Tinubu’s administration could take the following steps to bring the proposed strategy of reviving the 1960s Constitution and forming the United Region of Nigeria to fruition as part of nation-building:
1. Constitutional Amendment: The administration could initiate a constitutional review process to amend the current constitution to reflect the proposed changes. This process would involve engaging with the National Assembly, state governments, and other relevant stakeholders to ensure broad support for the amendments.
2. Regional Integration: The administration could prioritize efforts to foster greater integration and cooperation among the regions of Nigeria. This could involve promoting economic partnerships, cultural exchanges, and collaborative projects to strengthen the bonds between different regions.
3. Resource Allocation: The administration could revisit the current system of resource allocation to ensure a fair distribution of resources among the regions. This could involve restructuring revenue-sharing arrangements and fiscal federalism to empower regional governments and promote local development.
4. Infrastructure Development: The administration could prioritize infrastructure development projects that connect different regions and enhance connectivity within the country. This could include investments in transportation networks, energy infrastructure, and digital connectivity to facilitate economic growth and social development.
5. Peacebuilding and Reconciliation: The administration could focus on addressing historical grievances and promoting reconciliation among different ethnic and regional groups in Nigeria. This could involve initiatives to promote dialogue, understanding, and healing to foster national unity and social cohesion.
In pursuing this strategy, the Tinubu administration would need to demonstrate strong leadership, effective governance, and a commitment to inclusive development. Building consensus, engaging with stakeholders, and promoting transparency and accountability would be essential for the success of these efforts.
In conclusion, the proposal to revive the 1960s Constitution and form the United Region of Nigeria represents a bold and transformative vision for the country’s future. As the Bola Tinubu administration continues its term, the implementation of this strategy requires a holistic approach that emphasizes constitutional reform, regional integration, resource allocation, infrastructure development, and peacebuilding. By fostering dialogue, building consensus, and demonstrating strong leadership, the administration can pave the way for a more united, prosperous, and harmonious Nigeria. As the nation embarks on this journey of nation-building, it is imperative to recognize the importance of inclusive governance, social cohesion, and sustainable development in shaping a brighter future for all Nigerians.

♦ Professor Ojo Emmanuel Ademola is a Nigerian Professor of Cyber Security and Information Technology Management, and holds a Chartered Manager Status, and by extension, Chartered Fellow (CMgr FCMI) by the highly Reputable Royal Chartered Management Institute.

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Anthony Obi Ogbo

Sylvester Turner Should Cancel His Bid for Late Jackson Lee’s Congressional Seat



“Running an election alongside his mentees might be seen as a selfish but insatiable appetite for office.Anthony Ogbo

Former Mayor Sylvester Turner has expressed serious interest in running for the late Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s congressional seat. In an interview with KHOU, Turner stated that the passing of his friend (Sheila) has prompted him to consider coming out of retirement for this critical opportunity. A decision from the former mayor is expected in the coming days.

74-year Jackson Lee, a prominent figure in Houston politics, passed away last week after revealing her battle with pancreatic cancer earlier this year. She had represented the 18th Congressional District since 1995, earning a reputation for her unwavering dedication and frequent presence at community events within the district.

Among other declared and potential Democratic candidates vying for Jackson Lee’s seat are state Rep. Jarvis Johnson, Houston Councilwoman Letitia Plummer, and Amanda Edwards, who placed second in the district’s original primary.

The news of Turner’s potential consideration for a congressional position has sparked surprise among Houstonians, particularly his community supporters. However, there is a noticeable silence surrounding the topic, with many engaging in hushed conversations and speculation. The mere idea of transitioning to a fast-paced congressional role raises concerns about the potential impact on the community and his supporters, who are unsure about his physical well-being.

At 69 years old, Turner is a seasoned attorney, activist, and politician who recently concluded a tumultuous 8-year term in office. But his departure in January was marked by health concerns. He had battled bone cancer in his jaw, undergoing surgery and six weeks of radiation therapy in 2022. This ailment not only forced him to cancel an official trip to France but also led to his absence from City Council meetings for several weeks.

There is currently a discussion surrounding the potential for Turner to assume a new role in Congress because his health issues cast doubt on his capacity to fulfill the responsibilities of this position. This has elicited a range of emotions among observers, with some expressing concern about his ability to effectively manage the demands of the role. Despite his experience and dedication to public service, concerns linger about his physical stability and capacity, to effectively represent constituents in a more demanding political arena.

Turner’s consideration to vie for Sheila Jackson Lee’s congressional seat also reveals a poignant irony. Jackson Lee tragically passed away while juggling the demands of her congressional responsibilities and battling a deadly form of cancer. Despite undergoing treatment for pancreatic cancer, she tirelessly worked to support her constituents during the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl. For over two weeks, Jackson Lee stood up for the thousands of individuals in her district who were left vulnerable without power.

Some members of the community believed that Jackson-Lee should have retired after her cancer diagnosis. However, her passing could serve as a lesson to other long-serving public officials who would neglect their health in pursuit of power and public service.

The impact of politics on physical, psychological, and social health is a reality that cannot be denied. Recently, President Joe Biden decided to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race after facing intense pressure, speculation, and internal turmoil within his own Democratic Party. Concerns about his health, both physical and cognitive, have been a constant focus in recent weeks, especially his lackluster performance at the June 27 presidential debate. This situation highlights the toll that politics can take on individuals at the highest levels of government.

Public officials need to prioritize their health and well-being, as neglecting it can have serious consequences. Serving the public is a noble calling, but it should not come at the expense of one’s own health. Jackson-Lee’s passing should remind all public servants of the importance of retirement. It serves as a sobering reminder that life is precious and unpredictable and that it is essential to prioritize self-care and well-being to enjoy a fulfilling retirement after years of dedicated service.

Ultimately, Jackson-Lee’s passing should inspire Turner to take proactive steps toward sustaining his happy and healthy retirement. He should reconsider his bid for Jackson Lee’s Congressional Seat. At this point in his career, it may be more beneficial for him to contemplate retirement and offer his support to other candidates who have long been supporters of his campaign during his political career. Running an election alongside those mentees might be seen as a selfish but insatiable appetite for office.

♦Publisher of the Guardian News, Professor Anthony Obi Ogbo,PhD, is on the Editorial Board of the West African Pilot News. He is the author of the Influence of Leadership (2015)  and the Maxims of Political Leadership (2019). Contact:

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Anthony Obi Ogbo

Was Trump’s Assassin unstoppable because he was White?



It is worth considering whether Trump’s assassin would have been treated differently if he were Black.Anthony Ogbo

On Saturday, July 13, a gunman, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, armed with an AR-15 assault rifle, brazenly carried his killer weapon to the rooftop from a short distance to the podium where the former President, Donald Trump was addressing a political rally. Unchallenged, he fired up to eight shots toward the stage, with one shot hitting Trump’s right ear. Tragically, one rally-goer died, and two others were critically injured before the assailant was taken down by a Secret Service sniper. The shooter was identified as white.

Just a few days later, on Tuesday, five Columbus police officers in Milwaukee shot and killed a homeless man outside the security perimeter of the Republican convention. The man was waving knives at others, and residents reported that he had been living in a tent. To be precise, this incident took place about 1 mile from the convention in a residential neighborhood that included a large homeless encampment. The homeless man was Black.

Since the incident involving Trump, investigators have been diligently working to determine the cause of the attack and prevent future occurrences. They have explored various theories and possibilities as they come to terms with how the individual was able to conveniently carry out such a heinous act.

Attendees at the event had alerted local police about the shooter heading towards the rooftop. However, authorities failed to communicate this information to security personnel, potentially jeopardizing the safety of the former President. A Homeland Security law enforcement memo revealed that the shooter had recently purchased ammunition, received hazardous material shipments, and had improvised explosive devices in his car and home.

It was also reported that before the would-be assassin aimed at Trump, attendees reported they saw him pacing and behaving strangely. Crooks was not shot, rather, local police officers began pursuing him on foot. During the pursuit, the U.S. official said, local police told the Secret Service they were looking for a suspicious person near the event. Furthermore, the U.S. official said the Secret Service was told of a suspicious person before local police discovered Crooks on the roof of a nearby glass research company’s building. That discovery occurred shortly before Crooks opened fire, according to law enforcement sources.

The timing of these events raises concerns about whether additional precautions could have been implemented to prevent Crook’s actions. It is worth considering whether this assassin would have been treated differently if he had been Black. Comparing both events can provide insight into potential biases and disparities in treatment based on race.

The fact that the suspect in Trump’s assassination attempt in Pennsylvania was White and was handled with such reluctance and oversight, while the Black homeless man in Milwaukee was shot and killed instantly by police, highlights the disparities in how individuals of different races are treated by law enforcement. This raises questions about whether race played a role in how both incidents were handled and whether there are underlying biases that need to be addressed within the criminal justice system.

Authorities claimed that the fatal shooting in Milwaukee was not connected to the convention. However, this incident sheds light on larger concerns regarding the use of external law enforcement for events such as conventions. Furthermore, it is important to examine these cases closely and consider how systemic racism may be influencing outcomes in similar situations. By acknowledging these disparities, we can work towards creating a more just and equitable society for all individuals, regardless of their race.

Despite efforts to address systemic racism and improve police-community relations, recent events such as the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Daunte Wright have highlighted the ongoing challenges and injustices faced by Black Americans at the hands of law enforcement. These incidents serve as a stark reminder that there is still much work to be done to achieve true equality and justice for all individuals, regardless of race. It is clear that while progress has been made in some areas, the reality on the ground continues to show that racial disparities and police brutality remain pervasive issues in America.

♦Publisher of the Guardian News, Professor Anthony Obi Ogbo,PhD, is on the Editorial Board of the West African Pilot News. He is the author of the Influence of Leadership (2015)  and the Maxims of Political Leadership (2019). Contact:

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