Journal and Papers

WAAD’s Global Conference echoes on Threats of Contagious Diseases to Global Economies and Racial Inequality



Intellectuals worldwide converge in New Orleans for the 5th Global Conference of the World Association for Academic Doctors

Dr. Anna C. J. Long, Program Director of School Psychology, Louisiana State University took the podium as keynote speaker, to open the 5th Global Conference of the World Association for Academic Doctors (WAAD) held Wednesday, October 27,2021-Sunday 31, 2021 New Orleans, LA, USA. This event was jointly hosted by WAAD and the Dillard University Center for Racial Justice which commenced October 27 through 30, 2021. With a focus on encouraging the science of cultural adaptation, Dr. Long’s speech unveiled a path to a multilevel approach to addressing educational and health disparities in schools.

The conference theme “The Threat of Contagious Diseases to Global Economies and Racial Inequality: Critical Issues and Ways Forward,” coincided with the prevalent Pandemic and attracted researchers all from various countries including; Brazil, Uganda, Nigeria, Cameroon, India, Turkey, Pakistan, Ghana, and multiple states in the U.S.A.

Dr. Walter Kimbrough, Dillard University President, and Dr. Ashraf Esmail, Dillard University’s Director for the Center for Racial Justice made welcome addresses. Dr. Ashraf served as the Conference Chairperson. Dr. Esmail’s opening remarks echoed the negative impact of racial issues worldwide. “The issues of racial inequality hopefully do not designate our future behavior. It is the responsibility of all of society to work toward addressing racial issues into our homes, in our neighborhoods, in every classroom, and in every workplace.”

Founded by Dr. Henrietta Okoro, WAAD is a worldwide association of academic doctors driving excellent initiatives to reality for a better World through cooperation, collaboration, and communication of diverse intellectuals and professionals across the globe.

Dr. Okoro (seated) flanked by professional colleagues. Dr. Okoro received the Founder Award for her vision and 7 years of excellence global leadership.


In her opening remarks, Dr. Okoro expressed issues concerning the threat of contagious diseases to global economies and racial inequality, especially at the pandemic era. “The threat is global because a disease can emerge anywhere on the planet and spread quickly to other regions through trade and travel. A disease threat anywhere can mean a threat everywhere. It is the spread of new microbes; globalization of travel and trade; pandemic outbreak, new normal, and environmental factors. Hence, organizations and communities need to find a way forward to address the impact of the threat of contagious diseases to global economies and racial inequality,” she said.

Last year, this conference focused on entrepreneurship, education, and technology, and was facilitated remotely because of the Pandemic. This year, however, witnessed a return to face-to-face normalcy and attracted record participants and audiences from the academic community. For instance, researchers from all walks of life presented various papers ranging from black citizenship, ethics, and healthcare decision-making process, and education & health disparities in school. Other were a global disease, information governance, covid related issues, fairness in eminent domain, social justice, 21st-century education reform, contingencies & boundaries faced by female managers, promoting college access and success, bioterrorism, instructional redesign, contagious disease approach, and a revived curriculum and student poster presentations.

The conference also witnessed a display by the students revealing a positive tribute to their organized student movement guided by the Center for Racial Justice. The presentation well-articulated by the student leader revealed intentions to reach out to other colleges, political leaders, major organizations, including WAAD to make their movement a success next year (2022) in Washington, DC.

Other highlights of the event include; dance performance, new-member induction, and presentation of proclamation from Louisiana Lt. Governor.  Furthermore, the Mayor of City of New Orleans and Governor of Maryland sent their citations and welcome messages. WAAD members, Dr. JoAnn Fisher, Dr. Ashraf Esmail, and Dr. Denise Madison received Excellence service awards whereas the leadership excellence and visionary award was presented to the founder, Dr. Okoro

WAAD uses academic researches and professionalism to drive excellent initiatives, changing lives and bringing global peace and development. To harmonize this vision, the WAAD global conference coordinates vast potentials of professionals throughout the globe to promote excellence through quality education, advanced research, good leadership, and business ethics aimed at sustainable political, socio-economic, and scientific growth of the world.

To read or download the complete 2021 conference communique please click >>>

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