
“Georgia On My Mind” ―Dazed Republican States Strive to Adopt Autocracy



“…if you were lucky and you cast that vote they dreaded, and it turned out they hated the outcome, they would simply declare the republican loser, the victor.”

―Don Okolo

In truth, if you were searching for America’s most evil City or State, you’d have three, maybe four southern States to run through the mill of ignominy, to see which one stands with her head held high…proud she had beaten out the other three. The four States in contention would be, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, and Texas: Texas, because she has this dirty, soulless enclave called Vidor. Her people are mostly the long-haired, fifteen century dwellers, whose mugs are jarring to look at.

The common thread these States have is that they have country songs written in their names…and they are great songs. As the city of Vidor in Texas remains the most deplorable and the most dangerous city for any non-white person to live in, you would be surprised that a sizeable number of blacks and Spanish people brave the threat to their lives to live in this hellhole.

Texas is not Georgia. Georgia is the bottom pit of hell. Maybe, Texas is a few rungs up the ladder, even as the State is inching close to the bottom. And one of these days, the State of Texas will draw level with Georgia in that sweltering pit where Satan sits on his throne. A brand spanking, newly rewritten version of the Divine Comedy, Dante’s Inferno, is what I am offering you in this piece. How could the current situation between the two dueling States not remind you of Dante Alighieri’s masterpiece? Satan is sitting on his throne…and on his right and left sides are the two States that have betrayed humanity. Texas and Georgia have replaced Judas and Brutus; they have kicked the despicable Roman and the contemptible Jew out of their once beloved place in the firmament of Hell. Now Satan has both his flanks covered by the biggest, and the baddest twosome of the fifty States in the republic. There is joy in Hell. Yes, I said it: There is singing and dancing. They are inside the free-flowing, wicked kind of frolic…of no-holds barred licentiousness…and the State of Georgia…her representatives, that is, are the suppliers of the States renowned moonshine whiskey, labelled, “Hellot’s Brew’.

You may want to ask yourselves why modern-day man would sink into this depth of murk and self-indulgence

Even the tall Georgia Pines are bent double, wallowing inside this mote of pure evil. Some of the denizens of this depravity, whose voices they want stifled can be heard moaning in agony, wondering how long it would be before someone would come along and pull them from under the weight of absolute misery crushing them…to free them, and to alleviate their pain. They are begging…calling Coca-Cola, the big Delta Airline, to empathize, not offer condolences, because the body polity could still be alive and breathing in shallow patterns below. But the wickedness that has been tendered is Teflon-like in tenacity, and only the fires of the bigger House could sear through it to render it moot and useless.

Here are the dangers of this flaming conflagration if it is allowed to remain an inferno. The death of magnificence (Democracy) is one. The rise of autocracy is assured. States with republican majorities will have no reason to cower and not follow this path… were no guns are aimed at them. This path of no resistance would carry them to the infamous gallery from where they would sit with unbridled power and complacency. Here, on this plateau of grifters, these men would govern with a beck and call. You may want to ask yourselves why modern-day man would sink into this depth of murk and self-indulgence and decree that the voices of his/her ilk should rise to the heavens, and the voices of those he considers leftovers of creation, be mooted, and tossed. And on the day of signing, these curs robbed it in; they sat under the canopy of an image…the scorching metaphor of indignity antebellum south was known for…the one bastion of her great slave-owning and trading days…the one symbol of inhumanity they wear like a halo, to sign and seal, the resurgence of a certain mastery over other humans. F%$# ‘em!!!

Nothing will ever be the same if this were allowed to stand. I don’t see how the spineless democratic side of this divide would do anything to stop this…at least not with a republican in their midst…the one garbed in democratic-styled mantle, the Senator from Virginia, the one towing the republican line, Joe Manchin. They have figured it out. And it is not pretty. The unexpected turnout of democratic voters that repelled Donald Trump…that installed two new Georgian Democratic Senators, Ossorff and Warnock, was the last straw. If you understood how the State of Georgia rolled with all social issues…her Statewide depressive kind of politics, and the Devil’s ownership of the Mason/Dixie line, you’d know that what they did cutting access to voting was long overdue…again, given the nature of the beast.

Take a moment and think about the two dismal things about the voting law these white men in black suits signed into law. Voting lines would be long; an attempt would be made to cause delays, and have people stand in line for more than ten hours to vote. In their thinking, the resilience of the black voter had to be contained. So, if you were foolhardy and impertinent to the white, republican politician’s brand, and stood in that line, they’d be on patrol to make sure no one handed you a bottle of water or, any kind of ration. When that one element was worked into the original draft, you should know that these men and women had lost the last vestiges of what made them human beings. That alone should explain the obvious; wolves in sheep clothing; man as the quintessential predator to his fellow man. It doesn’t end there; if you were lucky and you cast that vote they dreaded, and it turned out they hated the outcome, they would simply declare the republican loser, the victor. It begs the question; do I need to vote at all? In essence, that is what they want from you; a level of disgust to cause you to abandon the system some of us have died to keep.

In essence, that is what they want from you; a level of disgust to cause you to abandon the system some of us have died to keep.

Only animals are governed by instinct. Humans have justifications; they are motivated by nuances of justice, ethics, and morality to create laws humans will abide by. That Georgian voter suppression law was passed on instinct. Almost every animal has enough sense not to devour its own. Not with these republicans. The depth of the insanity into which they have sunk is unfathomable. And with all things in the animal kingdom, the ones at the top of the food chain, would mosey on down after they have marked their territories. They know you couldn’t up and challenge their authority and not get eaten alive. Governor Kemp and his blue-faced political kind are expecting that there would be no challenges mounted. They are aware that this one gambit is tantamount to throwing crap against the wall and see what sticks. You blocks, you stones, you worse than senseless things. Oh you hard hats, you cruel men of Georgia.   

♦ Don Okolo, Professor and filmmaker, is on the Editorial Board of the West African Pilot News. He is the author of many books.

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